
Writing Descriptors

All descriptors needs to extend the abstract class Authanram\Generators\Descriptor and must define the methods path and fill.

namespace Projecrt\Descriptors;

use Authanram\Generators\Descriptor;
use Authanram\Generators\Input;
use Illuminate\Support\Stringable;

final class ExampleDescriptor extends Descriptor
    public static function path(): string
        return __DIR__.'/../stubs/test.stub';

    /** @return array<string, Stringable|string> */
    public static function fill(Input $input): array
        return [
            'second' => $input->get('second'),
            'fourth' => $input->get('fourth'),


The method path expects one parameter of type string, defining the path the template should be read from.


The method fill expects one parameter of type callable, used to transform the input before it will be used to replace the template-variables with. It will receive one parameter of type \Authanram\Generators\Input.

To get in-depth information, head over to the section Fill Callback.